Журнал "Гастроэнтерология" 1 (51) 2014

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Normalization of biotopes of the citizens of industrial centers by probiotics

Авторы: Reznichenko N. Yu. - Community Instituion "Zaporizhzhya Regional Dermatovenerological Clinical Hospital" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhzhya

Рубрики: Гастроэнтерология

Разделы: Клинические исследования

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Relevance. In recent years the urban population of the country increased, which was caused by many socio-economic and mental peculiarities. On this basis the influence of the factors of urbanization became more prevalent, it affected the deterioration of health status of the population as a whole. High rates of morbidity and disability among people of working age, deterioration of life quality, increase of mortality cause socially significant medical problem. In recent years the rate of technogenic changes of the biosphere in some regions reached high levels. So, it was established that during the last years the quantity of emissions of polluting substances was more than in 140 times greater in the large industrial city of Zaporizhzhya than emissions in Melitopol, which was a city of average size with a smaller anthropogenic load. The level of pollution of atmospheric air in Zaporizhzhya was critical and it led to negative trends in the incidence of dermatological and gastroenterological pathology.

So, the primary objective of investigation was: to study the changes in biotopes of the body, depending on the place of living and elaboration of methods of their correction.

Secondary objectives:

1. To research intestine microbiocenosis of citizens of large industrial city and town with less anthropogenic pollution.

2. To research skin microbiocenosis of citizens of large industrial city and town with less anthropogenic pollution.

3. To research microbiocenosis of oropharynx of citizens of large industrial city and town with less anthropogenic pollution.

4. To research the main reasons of microbiocenosis disorders of citizens of large industrial city.

5. To ground methods of correction of microbiocenosis disorders of citizens of large industrial city.

Material and methods. Men, who lived in a large industrial city, and persons, who lived in town of average size with a smaller anthropogenic pollution were examined.

The research of skin, intestinal and oropharyngeal microbiocenosis was carried out by its direct qualitative and quantitative assessment. Contamination of skin was expressed in colony forming units (CFU) in 1 cm2, bacterial contamination of stool was expressed in CFU in 1 g, microbial dissemination of the content of the oropharynx was expressed in CFU in 1 ml.

Results of investigation and discussion.

The citizens of large industrial city with high anthropogenic load and the inhabitants of towns showed the differences in the ratio of microorganisms of various biotopes of the body.

Taking into account the presence of combined pathology of skin and internal organs, a hypothesis about systemic changes in biotops of skin and internal organs was proposed. That was the reason for investigation of steam correlation of the number of microorganisms on the skin, in the oropharynx and stool in healthy people of different age.

The presence of direct and inverse correlation between the number of intestinal microflora, oropharyngeal microflora and skin microflora was established. These data showed the systematic changes of microflora in the human body, and therefore justified the possibility of correction of pathological changes in various biotops due to correction of the one biotop.

In order to treat the changes in microflora we proposed the use of probiotics, which had to be used daily for 3 months by citizens of the industrial city. The group of citizens of large industrial city, who used probiotics, had approximately the same concentration of microorganisms in all biotopes as the residents of the city of average size.

We paid attention, that the use of probiotics normalized not only the biotope of intestines, but also biotopes of oropharynx and skin. These data proved the correctness of the hypothesis about systemic changes of microbiocenosis of human organism. These data also give possibility to recommend prophylactic use of probiotics for normalization of microbiocenosis in general in citizens of large industrial cities.


1.The citizens of large industrial city and the inhabitants of towns showed the differences in the ratio of microorganisms of various biotopes of the body.

2. The presence of direct and inverse correlation between the number of intestinal microflora, oropharyngeal microflora and skin microflora was established. These data showed the systematic changes of microflora in the human body, and therefore justified the possibility of correction of pathological changes in various biotops due to correction of the one biotop.

3. Prophylactic use of probiotics among citizens of large industrial centers is an effective preventive measure of the development of pathogenic changes of the organism.

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